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Jessie L.
Veterinary Technician Specialist Supervisor CVT, VTS (SAIM)


Jessie has been a certified veterinary technician since 2011. She attended Madison Area College in Wisconsin, where she obtained her CVT and worked in general practice for the first five years of her career. In 2016, Jessie moved to Arizona, when she started working in the internal medicine department at VCA ARECA. Jessie obtained her VTS in small animal internal medicine in June 2022. She was made internal medicine supervisor in December 2022. Jessie has a huge passion for internal medicine cases including patient care and client education. In her free time, she volunteers with the Arizona Veterinary Technician Association (serving as committee chair for awards and nominations), the Academy of Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians (AIMVT), and the Arizona Beagle Rescue. At home she has two senior beagles (Shelby and Lily) and a cat (Biggie Smalls).


The hospital administration team consists of management personnel who oversee all staff members, hospital activities and the facilities. Together, they keep the hospital running smoothly, ensuring quality patient care and excellent client service. From the moment you check in, our administrative staff is here to deliver the best possible experience to you and your pet before, during and after your visit.