Dr. Cathy Dick recently returned home to Calgary after practicing for several years in Red Deer, Alberta. She is a graduate of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon. Over the years she has shared her life with many animals including dogs, cats, horses, birds and rabbits. She has trained and competed successfully in equine dressage, canine conformation, fly ball and rally obedience. Her true love is agility which she currently participates in with her dogs.

Dr. Cathy’s other passion is veterinary medicine and she strongly believes in the human-animal bond and all that animals bring to our lives. Animals deserve a high standard of veterinary care and Dr. Cathy strives to provide this.

Her special areas of interest include nutrition, dermatology (skin) and kidney disease. She presently shares her life with two Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers (Gem and Cavan), a Kooikerhondje (Sorcha) and one very naughty Boston terrier named Cookie.