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Tracey Young
Veterinarian DVM
Dr. Young never wanted to be anything except a veterinarian growing up. From the time she learned to talk, everyone who knew her was informed of her career choice and no one was surprised when she graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1999.

She joined the Pretoria team in 2002 and has never looked back. She has a very distinctive laugh and a presence that are hard to ignore. She loves internal medicine, all things dental and has a special soft spot for small dogs. If you aren’t careful, she just might try and leave with your toy poodle in her pocket 

Dr. Young shares her home with 4-legged and 2-legged family members alike. She tries to stay out of trouble in her spare time by staying physically active running and practicing yoga.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”. Dr. Seuss


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