Advanced Care

Advanced care services are services that go above and beyond what a general hospital visit may be for your pets. Advanced services may be items such as specialized surgeries, eye treatment, diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, or therapies. Please click on any of the subheadings listed below to learn more about our services in advanced care.

Available Services
  • Our hospital offers advanced dental care techniques, including services such as root canals, root planing, crown placement, gum (gingival) surgery, and orthodontics

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  • Rehabilitation is the use of therapeutic exercises combined with additional modalities to improve the recovery of patients with both acute and chronic conditions Pets of all ages, sizes and breeds can benefit from rehabilitation ... Read more

  • Orthopedic surgery involves surgery of the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments Fractured bones and torn ligaments are some of the most common injuries seen by the veterinary surgeon In many cases... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a variety of cardiology services Cardiology is the branch of veterinary medicine that treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels This encompasses... Read more

  • Chemotherapy, also known as chemo, is the treatment of cancer with one or more drugs Chemotherapy may be used to try to cure a pet of cancer, prolong his or her life, or simply make his or her symptoms ... Read more

  • Deer Creek Animal Hospital is excited to provide this innovative healing and pain relieving modality. Stated in the simplest terms, laser therapy uses light to heal the body from within on a cellular level.

    There are many lasers being used in our world today.... Read more

  • Cryosurgery is the use of extreme cold produced by a liquid nitrous oxide gas (or, in specific instances, liquid nitrogen) to destroy diseased tissue. The super-cold probe freezes and destroys the immediate and surrounding cells. After cryosurgery, the frozen tissue sloughs off and, in most cases, is replaced partially or completely with healthier scar tissue.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers dermatology services Our veterinarians will perform a detailed history, physical examination and basic medical ... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a number of diagnostic imaging services Diagnostic imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of your pet's body or body parts for medical purposes ... Read more

  • State-of-the-Art Imaging Aids Diagnosis & Hastens Recovery

    We believe in providing exceptional veterinary care to our patients. That’s why our animal hospital is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging, including digital radiology, ultrasound, and digital dental X-ray equipment. High-quality imaging facilitates accurate diagnosis, which guides treatment plans and helps your pet feel better sooner.... Read more

  • An echocardiogram is an ultrasound (sonogram) exam of the heart. Many times both radiographs (X-rays) and ultrasound of the heart are recommended for best evaluation of heart disease. X-rays show the size, shape and position of the heart and the ultrasound allows your veterinarian to see the internal structure and function of the heart.... Read more

  • Our hospital routinely performs electrocardiograms as part of our cardiology services. An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a readout of the electrical activity of the heart. If your veterinarian hears a heart rhythm abnormality (called an arrhythmia) in your pet's heart beat, they will recommend an ECG.... Read more

  • If your pet is suffering from a problem that requires closer examination, we may suggest endoscopy. Endoscopy is used chiefly for diagnostic procedures, but it is also used for other valuable procedures.

    Endoscopy also provides a means to take biopsies and can be used to remove foreign objects from the esophagus and stomach.... Read more

  • View VCA Deer Creek Animal Hospital's Video on Laparoscopic Spays - A Signature Service

    Advanced Techniques for Safer, Gentler Surgeries

    At VCA Deer Creek, we pride ourselves in being at the forefront of the use of new technology.... Read more

  • Laser surgery is surgery performed using a laser instead of a scalpel to cut tissue. Laser surgery uses an intense beam of light that is precisely focused to cut tissue. The energy contained in the laser beam vaporizes the water found in body tissues, allowing a precise "cut" that seals blood vessels and nerve endings, resulting in less bleeding and pain.... Read more

  • OFA x-rays are used to identify hip dysplasia in dogs. OFA stands for the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and is an organization that was created to aid breeders in helping reduce the incidence of hip dysplasia. Dogs must be over 2 years of age and the x-rays must be taken using general anesthesia for accurate diagnosis.... Read more

  • Cancer does appear to be becoming more common in pets, most likely because they are simply living longer. The most important point to realize about this dreaded disease, however, is that just as in people, many forms of the disease can be easily treated, managed, and even cured. Early detection and specialized care are leading to increased survival and cure rates in almost all the types of cancers that afflict pets.... Read more

  • At VCA VCA Deer Creek Animal Hospital, we routinely check your pet’s eyes during his or her wellness visits and can address a variety of eye conditions.

    Address Eye Problems Promptly
    If you suspect your pet has any eye issues, please seek treatment immediately. Eye problems can be tricky, and the severity of the condition is not something that can be picked up by the naked or untrained eye.... Read more

  • Deer Creek Animal Hospital veterinarians are leaders in the field of orthopedic surgery, with a level of experience not found in most veterinary practices. We perform minimally invasive procedures using the latest technologies. We routinely repair kneecap problems, CCL repairs, medial patella luxations, elbow dysplasia, and a variety of knee joint injuries.... Read more

  • Soft tissue surgery refers to surgery on any body part excluding: bones/joints (orthopedic surgery), heart (cardiac surgery), or nervous system (neurologic surgery). Examples of common soft tissue surgeries include gastrointestinal surgery (to remove foreign objects or removed diseased sections of intestine), bladder surgery (to remove stones or polyps), liver surgery (to remove masses or diseased lobes), and spleen surgery (often to remove diseased spleens or masses).

    There are many other soft tissue procedures performed and your veterinarian will discuss what your pet requires.... Read more

  • When an eye problem develops and a detailed exam is needed, the doctor will often use a device called a tonopen ... Read more

  • State-of-the-Art Imaging Aids Diagnosis & Hastens Recovery

    We believe in providing exceptional veterinary care to our patients. That’s why our animal hospital is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging, including digital radiology, ultrasound, and digital dental X-ray equipment. High-quality imaging facilitates accurate diagnosis, which guides treatment plans and helps your pet feel better sooner.... Read more