Pet Boarding

Day Care

Day care at the VCA French Creek Animal Inn gives your dog a full day of fun and socializing with friends—human and canine! Your dog will splash around in our kids' pool and play ball, tug, and keep-away with dogs of similar temperament. He or she will also build relationships with staff members who love each dog as their own. Drop off by 9:00 a.m. and pick-up by 7 p.m. so your dog enjoys all the fun! You're welcome to bring treats or lunch for your pet to snack on while relaxing in his or her private room.

For the health and safety of our furry friends and their families, daycare dogs must be up-to-date with their annual physical examinations and vaccinations—Rabies, Distemper and Kennel Cough—and be free of parasites like fleas and worms.