Dr. Jennifer Robertson was born in Toronto, Ontario and raised in Calgary, Alberta. After graduating from St. Mary’s High School she completed degrees in Kinesiology and Life Sciences at Queens University. (Fun fact, Dr. Ouellet also graduated from St. Mary’€™s.) Jennifer then attended the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario where she was an active member of the OTS (co-ed) veterinary fraternity. She is happy to be back home in Calgary practicing at Harvest Hills. In 2014, she completed her certification in Medical Acupuncture for Veterinarians.

Jennifer likes to spend her free time swimming, trying out new sports (hockey and hot yoga these days) and attending Calgary Flames games. She is a self professed choir nerd (from before it was cool) and a member of Calgary’s Revv52 Vocal Ensemble. Her Havanese dogs, Maeby & Sophie, are a constant source of entertainment and cuddles, you may see them socializing (aka barking) at the clinic from time to time.