
Whether your pet has undergone major surgery or is a senior animal needing help to get back to health, we offer a full range of Animal Rehabilitation.  We have a Veterinarian on staff with certification in Animal Rehabilitation. There are many techniques available to help your pet back to health, including acupuncture and our on-site animal water treadmill.  The results that owners have had with their pets that have gone through the rehabilitation process are unparalleled and they are back to health in a much faster time frame.

How does physical rehabilitation improve my pet’s life?  

Rehabilitation helps reduce pain and restore normal function after injury or illness. Strengthening and conditioning programs play an important role in preventing injuries and optimizing movement and performance. Treatments are generally non-invasive and comfortable. For our postoperative patients it can mean a faster and more complete recovery.

Does my pet need physical rehabilitation?

These are a few examples of conditions that can benefit from rehabilitation:

  • Muscle, tendon or ligament injury  
  • Neurological conditions  
  • Arthritis  
  • Wounds  
  • Obesity  
  • Geriatrics  
  • Performance training  

Our rehabilitation modalities include:

Hydrotherapy – the buoyancy, resistance and warmth of water in a therapy pool or underwater treadmill contribute to improved and accelerated healing, gait training and conditioning. Exercising in water can be an important part of weight loss programs.

Manual therapy – various forms of manual therapy can be used to increase circulation and range of motion, decrease pain and swelling, reduce muscle spasm and decrease the occurrence of injuries.

Therapeutic exercise – programs are designed to increase range of motion, improve neuromuscular function, optimize gait, strengthen and stretch muscles, improve balance and core stability,  improve athletic performance and prevent injuries.

Therapeutic laser – laser stimulates tissue healing, reduces pain and improves circulation.

Acupuncture – the insertion of very small gauge needles in specific anatomical locations causes physiologic changes in the body including nerve stimulation, increased circulation, and release of hormones and pain mediators. Acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of conditions including:  

  • Musculoskeletal – arthritis and muscle spasm  
  • Gastrointestinal – gastritis, chronic vomiting and diarrhea, constipation  
  • Respiratory – rhinitis, asthma, allergy  
  • Neurological – epilepsy, paralysis, intervertebral disk disease  
  • Urinary – incontinence, cystitis  
  • Dermatological – allergy, lick granuloma, dermatitis    

Electrical stimulation – low level current can decrease swelling, muscle atrophy and pain and increase circulation and muscle function.

Thermotherapy – heat and cryo therapy can modulate pain, circulation, swelling and tissue flexibility.

Pulsed magnetic therapy – magnetic therapy can improve healing of muscle, ligament and bone and aids in pain relief.

Orthotics and assistive devices – when necessary splints, braces, carts and prosthetics are available to support healing and mobility.

Medications and supplements – a variety of pharmaceuticals and supplements are available to providepain relief and improve healing.  

How do I start?

On your initial visit a veterinarian certified in rehabilitation will examine your companion and develop an individualized treatment program. This will include a discussion about what expectations you have for your pet’s function. The first visit will last approximately one hour. Subsequent treatments usually take about half an hour.  Home care exercises and other therapies are often recommended to supplement treatments. We monitor relevant parameters such as neurologic function, gait, range of motion, muscle mass, weight and comfort level to adjust the program.  

We encourage you to participate in therapy sessions but if it is more convenient you may drop your pet off for follow up treatments.

To schedule a rehabilitation assessment please call: (530) 342-PETS (7387) 

Our Rehabilitation Services