Advanced Care

Advanced care services go above and beyond a general hospital visit for pets. Advanced services may be items such as specialized surgeries, eye treatment, diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, or therapies. Please click on any of the subheadings listed below to learn more about our services in advanced care.

Available Services
  • What is Cryosurgery?

    Cryosurgery is the use of extreme cold produced by a liquid nitrous oxide gas (or, in specific instances, liquid nitrogen) to destroy diseased tissue. The super-cold probe freezes and destroys the immediate and surrounding cells. After cryosurgery, the frozen tissue sloughs off and, in most cases, is replaced partially or completely with healthier scar tissue.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a number of diagnostic imaging services Diagnostic imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of your pet's body or body parts for medical purposes ... Read more

  • Our hospital is proud to offer state-of-the-art digital radiology services. Digital x-rays are essentially film-less x-rays. Traditional x-rays use photographic film to capture images whereas digital x-rays use a digital image capture device (computer) to record the x-ray image.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers OFA x-rays for identification of hip dysplasia in dogs. The OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) is an organization that was created to aid breeders in helping reduce the incidence of hip dysplasia. Dogs must be over 2 years of age and the x-rays must be taken using general anesthesia for accurate diagnosis.... Read more