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Melissa Hill
Lead Technician, Blood Bank Coordinator RVT, VTS (ecc)
Melissa graduated from the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology in 2003 with a diploma in Veterinary Technology and started working at Central Victoria Veterinary Hospital immediately afterward. She quickly developed an interest in emergency medicine and in 2009 became a Veterinary Technician Specialized in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine (AVECCT). Melissa became the Blood Bank Coordinator at Central Victoria in 2009, and in 2014 was the first on Vancouver Island to process canine and feline blood into packed red blood cells and plasma to be used for transfusion.

Melissa is passionate about mentorship with our technical team and is dedicated to promoting a positive client and patient experience at our hospital. Her commitment to patient care is emphasized by her unwavering support of the Blood Bank and its impact on our furry friends in need.


The hospital administration team consists of management personnel who oversee all staff members, hospital activities and the facilities. Together, they keep the hospital running smoothly, ensuring quality patient care and excellent client service. From the moment you check in, our administrative staff is here to deliver the best possible experience to you and your pet before, during and after your visit.