
The Dentistry and Oral Surgery service is a new service at 404, established in 2020. We specialize in the treatment of disorders of the oral cavity including teeth, jaws, and soft tissues. Dr. Jane Pegg is a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, and completed her residency training in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at Colorado State University in conjunction with a Masters of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. 

We are incredibly proud of our dental operatory, which is well equipped to facilitate major and minor dental and oral surgery procedures. Our new dental space is well-equipped with two dental tables and dedicated delivery units, and digital dental radiography. We also have dental radiographic capabilities in a clean operating room for major procedures. We utilize a piezoelectric bone surgery unit for major oral surgery procedures, maxillofacial plating equipment, engine-driven endodontic therapy, dental radiography and Computed Tomography (CT) for a fully modern approach to veterinary Dentistry. 

Our goal is to provide comprehensive veterinary dental care that is accessible in a timely manner. Consultation with Dr. Pegg is available by referral through your family veterinarian.