
Rehabilitation provides for optimal patient outcomes following orthopaedic and neurosurgery, and is a key element in a number of non-surgical neurological conditions (eg. Fibrocartilagenous Emboli (FCEM), Coonhound Paralysis and Degenerative myelopathy).

Along with her neurorehabilitation and orthopaedic rehabilitation caseload, Dr. Fagnou also diagnoses and treats a variety of soft tissue complaints such as iliopsoas and biceps muscle strains, and medial shoulder instability (rotator cuff strains).

Rehabilitation also alleviates pain from chronic conditions such as arthritis, hip and elbow dysplasia and helps to maintain healthy body weight, mobility and muscle mass (especially in senior pets).
Our mission is to support and enable healing and strengthening in our patients and empower their parents to become part of that process.