
Dermatological conditions in dogs and cats are very common; in fact, they are one of the most common reasons dogs present to their family veterinarian. There are many different skin diseases recognized in the dog and cat. Many conditions look almost identical, making dermatology a very challenging specialty. A thorough history and subtle clinical differences will aid in the diagnosis and treatment of these often frustrating disorders.

Our board-certified veterinary dermatologists have special training in diagnosing and treating skin and ear disorders. Allergies, both environmental and food, are the most common disorders dealt with by veterinary dermatologists. Our highly experienced doctors focus on getting to the root of your pet’s skin disorder, while utilizing various treatments to keep them as comfortable as possible while addressing the underlying cause.

To book an appointment with one of our dermatology departments please contact your family veterinarian to assist you.

For more information on the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, please click here.

Dermatology services provided at the 404 include:

  • Allergic Dermatitis
  • Intradermal Allergy Testing
  • Skin Infections (bacterial, fungal)
  • Ear Diseases
  • Video Otoscopy
  • Immune-Mediated Disease
  • Parasitic Skin Disease
  • Paw and Nail Disorders
  • Nasal Disorders
  • Skin Cancers and Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease